Curriculum & Coursework

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A collection of college-level courses that I've taught over the years.

Ongoing Curriculum

Parsons School of Design @ The New School

Design & Technology Department

  • Advanced Critical Computation (SP/2022)
    • Advanced Critical Computation is a continuation of the principles and techniques taught in Critical Computation. Students will expand their conceptual and technical skills in the pursuit of mastering code and procedurality as a tool for creative, critical, and aesthetic exploration and expression. Topics will include algorithms, object-oriented programming, and the historical and cultural context of software in art and design. We will focus on building more complex systems and exploring specific creative applications of code. Students will work with p5.js and Javascript to produce five creative projects throughout the semester.
    • Class Website

School of Visual Arts

Design Department

  • Click, Touch, Move I & II (2019-)
    • Click, Touch, Move I & II are the consecutive semester classes that create a year-long course exploring contemporary design trends, best practices and the tools needed to create websites, apps, interactive prototypes, motion graphics, creative coding, and generative design.
      • Currently teaching a Fall/Spring & Spring/Summer Version of the Class

Previously Taught

Parsons School of Design @ The New School

Communication Design Department

  • CD Currents: The Technology U+I Can('t) Reach 5-Week Workshop (FA/2021)
    • CD Currents is a course split between three instructors leading 5-week workshops. The Technology U+I Can('t) Reach focuses on reshaping our relationship to technology to include fuzzier, emotional and intuitive experiences. Assignments, lectures and activities rethink how speculative forms of technology, software and the web can be used for new forms of expression and identity.
    • Workshop Microsite

Design & Technology Department

  • Critical Computation Lab (FA/2021)
    • Critical Computation Lab is a corequisite for Design & Technology students alongside Critical Computation Lecture applying theories to practice through a series of experimentations and play. Together, the three learning pillars for CC Lecture + CC Lab are code, critique, and design.
    • Currently facilitate two sections, one for undegraduate and another for graduate students
    • Class Website

Towson University

Interdisciplinary Studies/Fine Arts & Communication

  • IDFA 470: Special Topics in Art, Media and Communication: Media Module (DigiMyths) (FA/2021)
    • Invited as a visitng artist to Towson University to lead a 4 week version of DigiMyths as part of a special topics course in collaboration with Towson University's Black Theatre Troupe (BTT), Writer Zakes Mda, and Dr. Charla Burnett.
    • Module Microsite